Tuesday, 11 May 2010

What goes around comes around

After a path of pebbles and marbles, I should say that finally things have been getting much better. I submitted my paper in a nice journal (still waiting it to be accepted though), my laptop has finally come and everything is set for my trip to Norway. Now, the challenge relies on having a great mark on my skipper's exam! I kind of exhausted my motivating talks, but I think you get the idea of "what goes around comes around". Call it Karma, call it nature's forces or whatever; the truth is that you are always rewarded or penalized for the things you do. Doing good things always makes us feel good about ourselves and it isn't in an egocentric kind of way, it's rather like being happy for making other people happy. The same goes for the other way. Don't think that this is all about voluntary work, helping the elders and misfortunate; it is more than just that. Somehow when people work hard, when people are true friends and are willing to take chances/sacrifices for their own sake, in spite of how difficult it is; the world always finds a way of returning the "favor" sooner or later. Isn't it funny? Well, when you do good for a long time, when you struggle everyday, and it takes long for nature to answer back, it's not funny at all...But let's keep ourselves positive and think that the D-day will come. A similar thing is what happens with animals that have these appendixes or members they don't use at all which will eventually loose in a few centuries or millennia. So cross your fingers for your compensation to come no longer than 10 years! Nature has strange ways, but it is up to us to make the best of its ways and to do the best for us and the ones around us.

(Seems that I still had some motivational ideas here after all!)


  1. Honey, try to comment now... i change somethings.

    Btw, your post appears in widdings font - wich means i only see symbols


  2. is it better now? too big? because I could see what I wrote and it was definitely not in symbols...
